Sister Abigail Cannon

Sister Abigail Cannon is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the England London Mission. She began her service on July 26, 2006, leaving from her home of Provo, Utah. This Blog is a record of her missionary service.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Home again

So, I don't know how many of you will check this any more seeing that I'm home. But I was prompted by the Spirit and others to post-post some thoughts and impressions I have had because of or since my mission.
As you can imagine, 18 months of intense spiritual growth can be a bit daunting to put into words. This is probably why I my first journal entry in the two weeks I've been home was last night. But I will make an effort though like Ammon "I can not say the smallest part of which I feel."

Important lessons that I learned from the Holy Ghost and personal experience:

Agency is an eternal gift given to us that is directly linked with accountability. Our lives are made up of choices that bring us either closer to or farther away from God. Light and darkness, in all things. Each of us will be personally judged based on that incredible power we have been given over circumstance. Agency is never taken only forfeited by the one who possesses it.

Love is the only motivation for change and it is the source of the Light that draws us to God. Love is the only thing that will change people, inside and out. Perfect love casts out fear. The ultimate expression of love is the Savior's Atonement which deserves a post of it's own. I won't even try to explain my experiences and increased testimony regarding that subject in this simple bullet point style madness.

Most if not all of the worlds problems (as necessary as they are for progress) are a result of people not wanting to change. This is the fear that love banishes. Fear of change. Addiction to sin. The Atonement (pure love) is the only thing that can fix it, if they WILL.

Faith Works. Faith works hard. The Lord knows that our legs are not painted on. He gives us our gifts and talents so that we can use them. Because faith is a gift that is worked for it only grows when it is being used. Thus why revelation that God is real, or any eternal truth, comes when we exercise our faith in sincere prayer or obedience.

By the power of the Holy Ghost, we can know the truth of ALL things.
It didn't happen to me that often but I know I have heard other missionaries tell stories about how the Spirit revealed a detail of an investigator's life that caused them to answer their main objection to the church. To me, this principle was taught to me more subtlety and the Spirit's whispering came to me by way of logic, deduction, and I guess just gut feelings. Those gifts that I spoke of in the above paragraph.

All things are related and connected. Each principle discussed in this brief outline runs through and over the other, over and over. Making the gospel the one true thing that never changes and never gets boring.

These things I know and love in the name of Jesus Christ.


Blogger Karen Ruth said...

I love you and am so happy you are home! Thanks for updating (for your information, I have checked every day since we talked and you were in the process of writing it...). It was worth the wait. Thanks for your beautiful and strong example and testimony!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger Maddy Lucas said...

Abby it was so good talking to you tonight! We really need to get together soon. Hey I tried finding you on facebook but I wasn't sure what abby you were. I'm on there as Madelyne Wright Lucas, fancy eh?

Much love.

Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:26:00 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Hi Sister Cannon, our daughter is leaving for your same mission on July 3rd, and we are so inspired by your blog! This has helped her feel even more thrilled about the Mission for the Lord and his children. We have a few questions, and I know my daughter would love to meet you! Our blog is and email is We live right next to American Fork and would love to meet you! - Sister Shattuck

Saturday, April 04, 2009 11:32:00 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Just an update! Our daughter, now Sister Elizabeth Shattuck has met the wonderful people that you have and have loved them as you have. Her experiences in downtown London, Lowestoft and Cambridge only leads her to follow in your loving footsteps and in the footsteps of her Savior, and for that, we love you Abby. Thank you for being such a wonderful servant of your Heavenly Father. We only hope that someone will come along after Sister Shattuck (now at her half-way point) to carry the torch. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:08:00 AM  

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